Introduction Video
• To connect the public with qualified professionals in the Performing Arts Medicine (PAM)
• To evaluate and assess medical professionals and wellness providers for specialization in PAM
• To allow Wellness Group Members to utilize each other as resources for blogs, research, patient treatment questions, idea bouncing, referrals and advice
• To have a referral group and network across the US for traveling athletes
• To provide a concentrated area for members to share evidence and experience on injuries and situations with diagnoses and patients, protocols and release to gym
• To expand upon the MedGym courses that already exist, and to create education within each discipline for medical providers, cross discipline, as well as coach/instructor education on prevention and strengthening
• To provide a launching area for students and those interested in working with PAM athletes/artists
• To have one location where books about the sports and disciplines are reviewed and presented
• To allow MWG members the ability to speak at MedGym courses and combine knowledge for education throughout the US and World
• To assist medical providers in local outreach to studios, clubs and coaches and provide framework for exposure, marketing and treatment to better serve athletes in their environments
• To provide a support system for feedback from industry peers to maximize effectiveness in treatment of local PAM clients
• To expand on already existing social media platforms, support each other as peers, and combine networks of outreach
Member Requirements
• Must possess a degree/license in one of the following: MD, DO, DPM, PT, OT, ATC, CMT, DC or nationally approved certification in Nutrition or Acupuncture or Healing Medicine with researched statistical evidence-based practice
• Must be currently practicing and have valid license in the state in which you would like to be listed
• Must complete the following:
• Resume or CV in PDF format
• Cover letter and description including: personal history, current work environment, why involved in PAM, why it is important to be a part of MWG, and anything else professionally relevant
• Head shot, JPEG format
• Active Treatment shot if available, clinic or outreach
• 2 patient reference letters or emails (See Patient Reference Form)
• 2 Peer recommendations (i.e. MD, Chiro, PT, ATC) (See Medical Reference Form)
• 1-2 Outreach Recommendations (i.e. Gym owners, Dance Studio directors, coaches, Rink leads) (See Sports Outreach Reference Form)
• Must be approved through MedGym President and eventually Advisory Board with expansion
• May be removed at any time per President or majority vote through Advisory Board for reasons including poor MWG representation, licensure/legal issues, negative demeanor, harmful medical advice, reports from clients/peers, non-all-inclusive
• Must maintain good standing within your professional organization, including regular background check
• Must submit yearly copy of licensure, and re-submission of Sport and Peer review forms every 2 years
Member Benefits
• Access to medical professionals with similar education and interest
• Access to educational seminars and classes, within discipline and cross-discipline, for PAM
• Opportunities for learning, residency, and education
• Research links
• Product recommendations and peer reviews
• Ability to feature non-peer reviewed or research-based writing (i.e. opinion pieces, educational topics, and casual case studies) for exposure and awareness
• Ability to use the MedGym Medical Wellness Group Logo per MedGym, LLC guidelines
• Zoom and/or online meeting forums 1-4x/year on pre-determined topics or last minute assistance for members
• In person yearly MWG meeting- medical professionals only
• In person yearly MWG Clinic/Seminar for Health Care Providers, CEU
• In person yearly MWG Clinic/Ceminar for Coaches/Instructors in respective disciplines
Website Features
• Presentations and articles of MedGym staff and MWG members (post review for relevance)
• Links to social media, website information, and research
• Listing of MWG and search capabilities by discipline, location and specialty
• Blogs and learning tools online
• Sign in areas for public, for proposed Q and A
Terms/ Agreement
• MWG members may be removed at any time
• MWG members will not represent MedGym, LLC in a negative manner
• MWG may not state that they are giving personal advice, medical advice, or acting on behalf of MedGym, LLC.
• MWG members will abide by all website Terms of Use (See MedGym Terms of Use)
MedGym Wellness Group (MWG) is a part of MedGym, LLC. MedGym, LLC is not responsible for quality of care, outcomes, diagnosis or communication between any person and a MWG member. Any materials or education on the website, printed, or in classes for MedGym, LLC is not meant to be medical advice and does not take the place of consultation with a physician. By using the site,, you are holding MedGym, LLC harmless. ALWAYS SEEK THE ADVICE OF YOUR PHYSICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER REGARDING ANY QUESTIONS OR MEDICAL CONDITION AND BEFORE STARTING ANY NEW EXERCISE, TREATMENT, or ACTIVITY