An esteemed way for colleagues, patients, coaches, gyms, peers, and more to respect your knowledge and understanding of the sport of gymnastics. This allows someone with gymnastics knowledge to focus on details and those looking to specialize in the sport the ability to become well rounded in application. Becoming a GSM individual will also allow you a fast track to the application process for the MedGym Wellness Group.

Gymnastics Sports Medicine Certification - Practitioner (GSMC-P) 

Gymnastics Sports Medicine Certification - Coach  (GSMC- C) 

Please see below for further details! 

medical professionals (GSMC-P)

For Medical Professionals (PT, PTA, MD, DO, PA, ATC, LMT) 
This certification is for medical professionals who have completed all 15 modules and have successfully passed the post-tests. After completing of the courses there will be 2 practical components to finish the requirements for the GSMC- P Certification, Interview with Gina and case studies. 

Completing this certification will earn you a Gymnastics Sports Medicine Certification - Practitioner, the GSMC-P designation/accreditation recognition, a listing on our MedGym Wellness Group searchable site, apparel, and more. As well as access to shared blog posts, journal club articles, discussion boards, and a 1:1 coaching session with Gina (for information, case discussion, marketing ideas or whatever personalization you would like!).

This certification is valid for 3 years, after which you will renew it. This process involves re-testing and a case study analysis.

Coaches (GSMC-C)

This certificate is for coaches/gym owners who have participated in the 2 day educational courses and choose to add on testing of learned materials, case studies and hands-on application.  

Completing this certification will earn you a Gymnastics Sports Medicine Certification - Coaches, the GSMC-C designation/accreditation recognition, a listing on our MedGym Wellness Group searchable site, apparel, and more. 

The one-day course is not eligible for the GSMC-C.

This certification is valid for 3 years, after which you will renew. 
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